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Polymer modified bitumen with rubber additive is used as a binding material in mineral and bitumen mixtures for the construction and maintenance of roads, airports and other paved surfaces. Rubberized binder can be used as a substitute for standard modified bitumen after all the properties of the mineral and bitumen mixture have been checked on a master recipe as required by national regulations and technical specifications.
In particular, the use of this binder is recommended for substructures layers and mixtures with a higher modulus of stiffness of the AC WMS type. The base bitumen and the rubber additive used in MODBIT 25/55-60 CR binder have the effect of widening the range of viscoelasticity of bitumen. The effect is mainly evident in functional property tests, where the parameters of the mineral and bitumen mix after ageing and at low temperatures are more favourable than those of the mix made from road bitumen and PMB. Compliant with EN 14023:2011/Ap2:2020-02.
Parameter | Unit | Value | Class | Testing method |
Penetration in 25°C | 1/10 mm | 25 – 55 | 3 | PN-EN 1426 |
Softening point | °C | ≥ 60 | 6 | PN-EN 1427 |
Tensile force (strain energy) | J/cm2 | ≥2 w 10°C | 6 | PN-EN 13589
PN-EN 13703 |
Weight change after aging | % m/m | ≤ 0,5 | 3 | PN-EN 12607-1 |
Residual penetration at 25°C after aging | % | ≥ 60 | 7 | PN-EN 12607-1
PN-EN 1426 |
Increase in softening point after ageing | °C | ≤ 8 | 2 | PN-EN 12607-1
PN-EN 1427 |
Flash-point | °C | ≥ 235 | 3 | PN-EN ISO 2592 |
Fracture point | °C | ≤ -10 | 5 | PN-EN 12593 |
Elastic recovery at 25°C | % | ≥ 60 | 4 | PN-EN 13398 |
Storage stability – softening difference | °C | ≤ 5 | 2 | PN-EN 13399
PN-EN 1427 |
Decrease in softening point after aging | °C | TBR | 1 | PN-EN 12607-1
PN-EN 1427 |
Elastic recovery at 25°C after aging | % | ≥ 50 | 4 | PN-EN 12607-1
PN-EN 13398 |
Information on the ingredients of the mixture for which no Safety Data Sheet is required
Declaration of performance
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