MODBIT HiMA 25/55-80

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Highly polymer-modified bitumen is a new version of technically advanced bitumen. The level of modification with an SBS-type polymer is more than double that of modified bitumen, which is commonly used in road surface wearing layers. The high modifier content translates into a bitumen microstructure with a predominantly polymeric phase, so that the product has enhanced functional parameters, while at the same time not hindering the incorporation of the finished mineral and bitumen mixture.

Highly polymer-modified bitumen (types 25/55-80,45/80-80 and 65/105-80) is used for the construction and maintenance of roads, airports and other paved surfaces. The recommended use of this type of binder is particularly for mineral and bitumen mixtures in the construction layers of very durable – “long-life” – road surfaces, where very high ageing resistance, resistance to fatigue and low-temperature cracking and resistance to permanent deformation are required. Compliant with EN 14023:2011/Ap2:2020-02.

Parameter Jednostka Wartość Klasa Metoda badań
Penetration at 25°C 1/10 mm 25 – 55 3 PN-EN 1426
Softening point °C ≥ 80 2 PN-EN 1427
Tensile strength ductility test method at 15°C J/cm2 ≥ 0,5 8 PN-EN 13589
Weight change after aging at 163°C % m/m ≤ 0,5 3 PN-EN 12607-1
Residual penetration at 25°C after aging at 163°C % ≥ 60 7 PN-EN 12607-1


Increase in softening point after aging at 163°C °C ≤ 8 2 PN-EN 12607-1


Flash-point °C ≥ 235 3 PN-EN ISO 2592
Fracture point °C ≤ -15 7 PN-EN 12593
Elastic recovery at 25°C °C ≥ 80 2 PN-EN 13398
Yield range °C TBR 1  –
Decrease in softening point after aging at 163°C
°C TBR 1 PN-EN 12607-1


Elastic recovery at 25°C after aging at 163°C % ≥ 50 4 PN-EN 12607-1

PN-EN 13398

Storage stability

Softening point difference

°C ≤ 5 2 PN-EN 13399

PN-EN 1427

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