
For a bitumen producer, the challenge is not only to adapt production to market needs, but also to have well-organised logistics. Planning distribution to ensure fast, safe and stable deliveries is an important task that we are able to meet. The choice of transport process technology depends on many factors. Bitumen can be stored in a tanker for a maximum of 48 hours and must reach its final destination within this time, which is why we offer our customers transport by tanker trucks, rail tankers and also by ship. We are aware that product safety, the high quality of our product and timely delivery are important factors not only for us, but also for our customers. Below, we have prepared a map for you, which shows the extent of Unimot Bitumen Sp. z o.o.’s delivery logistics, broken down by individual modes of transport.

Car transport
  • Austria
  • Czechy
  • Dania
  • Norwegia
  • Szwecja
  • Litwa
  • Łotwa
  • Estonia
  • Niemcy
  • Szwajcaria
  • Słowacja
  • Polska
  • Węgry
  • Rumunia
  • Ukraina
Rail transport
  • Polska
  • Czechy
  • Rumunia
  • Szwajcaria
  • Niemcy
Sea transport
  • Norwegia
  • Szwecja
  • Finlandia
  • Polska
  • Dania
  • Niemcy
  • Holandia
  • Belgia
  • Wielka Brytania
  • Irlandia
  • Francja
  • Hiszpania
  • Portugalia
  • Afryka